Artists started to show dinosaurs in more active poses, and incorporating newer theories of dinosaur locomotion and behaviour.
Performance studies incorporates theories of drama, dance, art, anthropology, folkloristics, philosophy, cultural studies, psychology, sociology, comparative literature, and increasingly, music performance.
His most famous book, Snap to Grid incorporates traditional and continental theories of art to account for digital media.
Both methods incorporate theories of what a hole is.
Historical archaeologists have incorporated Foucauldian theories into the understanding of plantation landscapes.
The MIC became a learning center equipped with the state-of-the-art technology and incorporating modern theories and principles.
Both writers attempted to incorporate teleological theories into general presentations of the history.
His writings incorporate theories of national traits, racial superiority, herd behavior and crowd psychology.
If schools are in the doldrums, it is because they are trying to incorporate sound theories of cognitive development into a stale factory-based system of teaching.
Hardré's model incorporates cognitive, needs, and affective theories as well as social elements of learning to address learner motivation.