"And one of the ways to incorporate women is to meet the child-caring responsibilities."
However, the 1970s saw a transformation in development theory that sought to incorporate women into existing development paradigms.
The military is still well ahead of the private sector when it comes to incorporating women and minorities into management positions.
And whether it was in my television career or when I found myself in business, I tried to incorporate women into my work.
If the church has moved slowly to incorporate women fully, it has nearly failed in reflecting the diversity of American culture.
The intention of the bill was to lay out a roadmap for incorporating women into Afghanistan's development process.
The global economy could benefit drastically from incorporating educated women into the workforce.
Between 1947 and 1957, the hospital rapidly grew, incorporating men, women, and children of all ages, eventually reaching over 7,000 patients at its peak.
Because of this, in the early 1950s when guerrilla activity was in its death throes, groups were still incorporating new men and women.
The greatest challenge to incorporating women equally into the workplace is overcoming traditional attitudes towards women and their expected duties as mothers and wives.