Under his leadership, a true cultural policy was implemented to incorporate works of art in these car parks, to organize a museum and an original rating.
He toyed with the subject for decades and incorporated other works in this opera as if they had been preparatory studies.
In order to do this, Thomas incorporated earlier works dealing with Evesham's history, including the work on Æthelwig.
This artistic style included ceramics which incorporated mosaic works.
They have also incorporated paintings, photos and graphic works by women artists to give their arguments an extra visual punch.
Asolo Rep frequently incorporates new works into its seasons.
Rauschenberg's contribution was the first to include the wheels in the project, as well as incorporating previous works of art into the design.
It also discourages the creation of new works that incorporate existing works.
After 1970, White's work turned more autobiographical and inclusive, incorporating two- and three-dimensional works into his performance pieces.
Its mission was "to change the face of what is played in every concert hall by incorporating works by women composers into the orchestral repertoire."