Eventually, the state of New Jersey changed its incorporation laws to allow a company to hold shares in other companies in any state.
The South Carolina legislature changed incorporation law to allow incorporation over already annexed salt marsh.
The City of Charleston challenged the Town again, this time arguing that the new incorporation law was unconstitutional special legislation.
By the 1860s most corporations were formed under incorporation laws, not by acts of the legislature.
The Ocala Street and Suburban Railroad Company was incorporated on July 21, 1888 under the general incorporation laws of Florida.
The Atlantic, Suwannee River and Gulf Railroad Company was incorporated under the general incorporation laws of Florida.
A general incorporation law allows corporations to be formed without a charter from the legislature.
It was incorporated on March 24, 1850 under the state's general incorporation law.
A liberalized incorporation law in Germany gave impetus to the foundation of new enterprises, such as the Deutsche Bank, and the incorporation of already established ones.
There were no general incorporation laws in this period.