Employers may have an incorrect estimate of the relative productivities of men and women.
We are reminded of the controversy caused by Lord Kelvin's incorrect estimate of Earth's age based on models of cooling without radioactive heating.
This may be the absolute best way to finance this, but consumers need some protection against losses (due to incorrect estimates or shoddy work)
"Why would I report incorrect estimates, sir?"
First Call has had an incorrect estimate out since early December.
The error had been caused by incorrect financial estimates by the Treasury which overestimated public borrowing requirements.
He got extra motivation from Johan Bruyneel, the Discovery team manager, who gave Leipheimer incorrect estimates of the amount of time by which he was leading Voigt.
The algorithm described below is easily parameterized with the maximum number of incorrect estimates.
Key pitfalls can be an incorrect estimate of the amount of tonnage needed (the method by which central units are measured) and poor duct work.
In addition, the Bengal Board of Revenue made incorrect estimates of the number of people who would need help and was misled by fictitious price lists.