It is also commonly, though informally, acknowledged that the technical, taxonomic literature of all organismal groups is littered with examples of inconsistent and incorrect identifications.
These characteristics often make for incorrect identification as a porpoise.
This species would be renamed Cetiosaurus leedsi and later Cetiosauriscus leedsii, both today seen as incorrect identifications.
All these names are today considered nomina vana, failed new names, or incorrect identifications.
Complexity of a model or a financial contract may be a source of model risk, leading to incorrect identification of its risk factors.
In accordance with your instructions, I am reporting on two men we turned away at 1052 this morning for having incorrect identification passes.
This has led to the incorrect identification of pseudogenes.
Gore did not question Mercer's incorrect identification of the capital of Canada.
This team made the first ascent of Blackburn, but did not even know it at the time due to the incorrect identification of the highpoint.
The incorrect identification was most likely a language error and misunderstanding of German ranks.