Egge says many Americans know little about the disease, and education is needed about warning signs of the disease and incorrect perceptions about it.
The causes of this overall decline since World War II are a crumbling infrastructure, economic pressures and the incorrect perception that skilled manufacturing jobs are "undignified."
"Once that grass-roots constituency has been activated, it's impossible ever to explain how proposals might have been changed," or to correct incorrect perceptions.
Hence, the bias leveled against women stems from the incorrect perception that femininity inherently produces weak leadership.
This incorrect perception carries over from the days of older mainframe computers.
"News stories of nursing errors that have injured or killed patients add to the incorrect perception of nursing as an unstable, unpredictable and high-risk career option."
But there's this incorrect perception that AIDS has been reduced because of this reduction in mortality.
These images can be a result of distortion of incoming sensory information leading to an incorrect perception of a real image called an illusion.
And that 'incorrect' perception is part of the reason directors feel so smug about resisting formalised anti-corruption and values-based corporate policies.
Those are incorrect perceptions.