Despite being completed on-time and on-budget, the Tunnel has been an economic failure due to incorrect predictions of traffic volume.
An incorrect prediction now caused their opposition to win the round.
This case also demonstrates the potential for incorrect predictions.
Since its inception in 1908, the student body has been correct 18 out of 24 times, with only three incorrect predictions since 1948.
He is famous for his incorrect prediction on the mainframe death, prompting a huge debate:
To fill in the unrecognised words, it was necessary to make many incorrect predictions along with the correct ones.
Although admitting his incorrect prediction, Krauthammer maintained that "Obama won but had no mandate."
Each correct prediction earned $1,000 for the kitty, and each incorrect prediction took $1,000 away.
With four correct and four incorrect predictions, the assignment was a push.
Each correct prediction won $10,000 for the group kitty, while each incorrect prediction took $10,000 away.