On the basis of this result, he incorrectly concluded that his model does not exhibit phase behaviour in any dimension.
Chris Webber missed games during the regular season and some Kings fans incorrectly concluded that Sacramento could win without him.
Local historians incorrectly concluded that the name was derived from the Latin "Tricastinorum", meaning three castles.
Some readers might conclude incorrectly that only the Gamma Knife has the market presence and clinical efficacy to treat brain tumors noninvasively.
As the cars were not suitable for such a task the commander hesitated after incorrectly concluding the bridgehead was strongly defended.
In 1927 Stillwell incorrectly concluded they were known minerals.
This was, he concluded incorrectly, the treasure of Priam, king of Homer's Troy.
The trader then purchased a short position in futures contracts for the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index, incorrectly concluding that it would solve the problem.
He correctly diagnosed a void in the dummy, but he incorrectly concluded that a heart lead would not help the defense.
The balloon dancer, Sheila, shows up, causing Clarissa to conclude incorrectly that Steve's going to see her.