To cope with next season, the staff has been appreciably increased.
Our profits have increased appreciably in the last six months, and this trend is expected to continue for at least the next year.
Even with the agreement, however, the amount of trash the workers collected did not increase appreciably, officials now say.
By the time they reached their destination level, the effective gravity had increased appreciably.
On the other hand, it may be because the amount of structural fund payments has increased appreciably in the last few years.
That did not appreciably increase their speed, but it did make them more comfortable.
Alas, none of the drugs appreciably increased his pulse for more than a few seconds.
The default rate among graduates who took loans is about 6 percent and did not increase appreciably during the recession.
The resolution limit in 2005 was around 0.05 nanometer and has not increased appreciably since that time.
It's more than likely that prices of French Champagne will increase appreciably in the next year.