Even the coverage on issues increased public cynicism about the political process, the researchers found, by assuming that Americans were already knowledgeable instead of supplying basic information.
"For a lot of people to whom the art world is hype anyway, does it increase their fears and cynicism?"
The Dallas exhibition increases American political cynicism.
Experts say there is increasing domestic cynicism about the regime, which has proved incapable of meeting basic economic needs while exerting rigid control.
That is what worries groups like Common Cause, who believe that such perceptions increase cynicism among voters.
It does not increase cynicism; it does increase knowledge, and it probably increases the likelihood of voting.
It increases cynicism.
But many political analysts say that the most enduring effect of Mr. McGreevey's tenure is still likely to be increased public cynicism about the political process.
But others argue that celebrity of consultants, together with reporters' focus on process, increases public cynicism about politics.
A 60-second spot on the evening news scarcely enhances the public's understanding of court matters; it can only increase cynicism about the fairness of our judicial proceedings.