Defendus would increase emissions by a mere 11 per cent.
The modifications made would increase net emissions per year.
Environmental groups asserted that Duke was using loopholes in the law to increase emissions.
"If you shut it down, whatever you're going to replace it with is going to increase emissions in communities like Harlem."
Among other things, regulators worried that the additive, while improving engine performance, might increase emissions of pollutants.
The rule concerns the authority of industrial companies to increase emissions of toxic chemicals.
The example of Guyana could show that it is possible to be paid and not reduce, or to even increase emissions from forests.
The tampering prohibition is important because poorly designed modifications can increase emissions.
Sweden is one of the countries which callously expect to increase emissions of carbon dioxide in the coming years.
The figures agreed will permit Ireland to increase emissions only by 13 per cent relative to 1990 figures.