Rising temperatures will increase evaporation and lead to increases in precipitation, though there will be regional variations in rainfall.
The purpose was, in part, to increase evaporation and thereby increase rainfall in the region downwind of an enlarged Lake Eyre.
Increasing temperatures tend to increase evaporation which can lead to more precipitation.
For example," he said, "a global increase in temperature would increase evaporation from the oceans, thereby producing more clouds and rainfall.
A warmer climate would increase evaporation and shorten the snow season in the mountains, resulting in earlier spring runoff and reduced summer streamflow.
Increasing temperatures tend to increase evaporation which leads to more precipitation.
But even before it arrives, get the victim into the shade, remove as much clothing as possible and sponge the bare skin with cool water while fanning to increase evaporation.
Over the ocean and wet regions, added greenhouse heating increases evaporation.
The GenRe nat cat expert suggested that surfactants might be spread on the ocean surface to increase evaporation, which would thereby increase the salinity on the surface.
The billowing of fabric during movement can create air currents that increase evaporation and cooling.