The "Exporting for Growth" tool can provide you with more information on increasing your company's export capability and expertise.
Work which is not central to the organisation should be contracted out to the second element which provides specialist services which increase expertise and diminish costs.
But when you increase technical expertise, you also increase the risks.
As part of a national review there is a recommendation to reduce the number of centres to increase expertise in the field.
However, the entry of foreign lawyers to China has increased legal expertise of Chinese lawyers on international practices.
By encouraging teachers to increase their knowledge and expertise and their facility in successful classroom techniques.
"There's interest on the part of a lot of universities in increasing their relevance and expertise in this area," he said.
This report points out the need to increase scientific expertise in the fisheries sector so that the decisions that are taken are beyond dispute.
The report recommended that the department require two-year rotations for consular section jobs to increase the longevity and expertise of visa reviewers.
In July 2010, Disney purchased Tapulous to increase available mobile expertise.