The skin in this area contains dermal papillae to increase friction, such as are also present on the fingers and used for fingerprints.
Also in dirty environments the oil can become contaminated with dust or debris that increases friction.
The report, which ran counter to experts' forecasts, is likely to increase friction between the two countries.
Dry ball joints have dramatically increased friction and can cause the steering to stick or be more difficult.
The faces are sometimes made more or less V-shaped to increase or decrease friction, as required.
Better seals can reduce leak rates and pumping power, but may increase friction.
Shoelaces can be coated, either in the factory or with aftermarket products, to increase friction and help them stay tied.
The verdict could increase friction over patent issues between the United States and Japan.
Burrs in moving parts increase unwanted friction and heat.
This increases static friction against forces of a cutter of various types used today.