From the beginning, European allies have criticized the American plan as short-sighted, arguing that the infusion of weapons into the region will increase instability.
His departure, followed yesterday by city leaders in Moscow and Leningrad, may increase political instability in the near term.
This potentially occurred due to interaction with a cold-core low that increased atmospheric instability.
Female anatomy often allows one less sacral segment to lock with the pelvis, and this may increase instability.
Tayo suffers from increasing mental instability and turns to alcoholism to escape his inner turmoil.
"There has also been increased political instability" not just in Asia but around the world, Mr. Robinson said today.
Surgical intervention is usually given to those individuals who have increased instability of their cervical spine, which cannot be resolved by conservative management alone.
If they get worse they could increase instability in Europe.
This would directly increase instability in the Baltic.
Even the political system is under pressure and political violence will only increase instability in the country.