Our guides in both Berlin and Rostock informed us that the Government had increased educational measures to reinforce the anti-Fascist legacy.
In April 2007 the Government amended the Criminal Code to increase punitive measures for hate crimes and extremism.
All measures of activity have increased: committee markups, roll call votes, measures passed, and laws enacted and signed by the president.
The Chinese government has recently released some opposition members, but has also increased repressive measures against its critics.
Supporters and opponents of that incinerator agreed that the ruling could substantially increase protective measures in ash disposal, increasing both the political hurdles and the costs.
Many operators have increased measures to minimize fraud and reduce their losses.
Many local officials said their latest improvements to security were not always visible to the public because they had already increased protective measures after Sept. 11.
This response usually involves increasing the guidelines for continued treatment, including greater frequency of visits, smaller quantities of prescribed drugs, and other measures.
Violence against the government by a minority always gives the politicians an excuse to increase repressive measures in the name of 'protecting the people.'
The warning follows "worrying results" from research that showed G20 countries have increased protectionist measures rather than decreased them.