It would cut back noise for 18,755 people in Union County, and would not significantly increase noise for any residents, they said.
The open rotor design is known to have increased noise compared to normal turbofan engines, where noise is contained by the engine duct.
They say the pipeline will increase pollution, noise and traffic in their towns, and threaten nearby homes with gas leaks or even explosions.
Residents in the Wrigley Field area have opposed night baseball, saying it would increase noise and congestion in the area.
Community groups have also expressed concerns that the shopping mall would increase noise and traffic.
We warned, as did many community boards, that this would increase noise and tensions and we offered reasonable compromises but were rebuffed.
Removing them reduces pumping losses but increases noise.
It is particularly effective at eliminating ground loops, but it may also increase or decrease noise from other sources.
Stadium designers often study acoustics to increase noise caused by fans' voices, aiming to create a lively atmosphere.
Mr. Merric said that adult teams would increase traffic and noise.