He was thus able to equip each of his soldiers with three weapons, greatly increasing their firepower.
Close air support increases an advancing army's firepower, but it also poses serious challenges to command and control.
The Americans protected their position by the stream and increased their firepower as more reinforcements arrived.
We must either drop shields and try to increase our firepower, or give up the attack.
Users can increase their firepower by picking up items such as missiles, mines and lasers.
While each character has a specific ARM, there are cartridges that can be added to increase its firepower.
Gun pods increase a vehicle's firepower without occupying internal volume.
Upgrades the ship's gun into a double shot, increase its firepower.
Creates two transparent duplicates of the ship that will duplicate the player's actions, increasing their firepower.
These six magazines plus the magazines he normally carried, vastly increased his ready firepower.