Cash registers are close to corners or along walls, where such placement is believed to increase prosperity.
Policy makers and the general public now tend to accept freer markets, rather than government intervention, as the way to increase prosperity.
To increase co-operation, security and prosperity across Europe and its surrounding area.
The government believes that the threat of unexpected death will increase prosperity and productivity in its citizens.
We agree on the importance of trade and we want to increase prosperity for our citizens.
Because nuclear power increases prosperity and makes for a cleaner environment, it is an inevitable solution to the energy question.
Future-oriented opportunities to increase prosperity can only be achieved through open markets and free trade.
By carving out a living for themselves - and many are involved in setting up new companies - they increase prosperity for all of us.
Monetary union increases pressure on competition but, properly handled, it can also increase European competitiveness and prosperity.
Establishing human rights is one of the greatest challenges in the attempt to increase Russian prosperity and stability.