To encourage and channel its growth, the Board of Directors voted to increase requirements for membership and degrees while abolishing most of its student fees.
In extending the use of Bt corn, EPA has increased environmental and compliance monitoring requirements.
It increased the federal enforcement authority and authorized requirements for control of motor vehicle emissions.
Because safety stock is directly dependent on demand uncertainty, increasing product variety increases retail safety-stock requirements.
The program uses troops to reinforce local security and increases requirements in screenings and ID checks.
It also said 26 states had increased requirements for how much participants must pay as a result of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982.
The birds have increased nutritional requirements during the breeding season, so they spend more time foraging for food during this time.
Preparations for large-scale main force offensives, both during and after the U.S. withdrawal sharply increased logistical requirements.
"They increase requirements and incentives for urban water suppliers to prepare and adopt comprehensive management plans on a timely basis."
The danger may be worse for people with cancer, who may have to contend with unwanted weight loss and often have increased nutritional and caloric requirements.