To maintain an enslaved work force, increased legal restrictions on freeing slaves were put into place.
The use of Swiss air space for combat training became increasingly impractical as the performance of supersonic jets increased and created environmental restrictions.
Benefit adjustments to cover shortfalls (raising the retirement age, increasing restrictions)
These countries have sought to increase restrictions on access to their markets to protect their carriers.
Moreover, many poorer countries have increased restrictions, though some have felt forced by external shocks to begin to look outwards.
Domestic cattle ranchers and food companies said that they largely supported the Agriculture Department's decision to increase restrictions on beef production.
(2000-2001) Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly increase restrictions on civil lawsuits.
During the 15th century, the guilds, facing competition from the Jewish traders, were able to increase restrictions on the Jews.
Besides attracting ridicule, these proposals which, if implemented, would produce inconclusive results, clearly look set to increase restrictions, particularly for small- and medium-sized enterprises.