A faint rumble, increasing swiftly into high thunder.
I leaned despairingly over the rail, watching the trim little schooner swiftly increasing the bleak sweep of ocean between us.
"The damage by foreign theft gangs is increasing swiftly now," one ad reads in boldface.
But the plane was so high up that he could not tell at once if its velocity was increasing swiftly.
It swiftly increased in size.
Hence, the population of this region swiftly increased.
Sales swiftly increased, doubling over the 2009-2010 period.
Shortly before daybreak the first breath of air began to move from out the southeast, increasing swiftly to a stiff and stiffer breeze.
Pressure on UPS to end the strike increased swiftly.
The humming drone that swiftly increased to a drumming throb among the scudding clouds, was distinctly audible.