Erasing information is a thermodynamically irreversible process that increases the entropy of a system.
That includes outer space, where the bunch might be said to increase the entropy of the universe.
Heating the gas up to the initial temperature T increases the entropy by:
An irreversible process increases the entropy of the universe.
As mentioned above, passive diffusion is a spontaneous phenomenon that increases the entropy of a system and decreases the free energy.
This additional information increases the entropy of the black hole, and, as a result, its gravitational attraction increases.
The characteristic energy kT is thus the heat required to increase the rescaled entropy by one nat.
In thermodynamics, adiabatic changes are those that do not increase the entropy.
A simple remedy could be to put spaces or other characters between the words, with the added benefit of increasing the entropy.
This energy dispersal increases the entropy of the 'universe'.