A House-Senate conference agreed on a major education bill that sharply increases aid to schools with large numbers of students in poverty.
The Governor said that this year, he wanted to increase state aid to public schools, which stands at $10.2 billion this year, by $250 million.
But a spokeswoman for the teachers' union said the group's fight to increase state aid to schools would benefit all students.
It would increase federal aid to schools that have absorbed large numbers of evacuated students.
She was also interested in increasing the admission rates of women to medical schools.
It has also greatly increased its aid to schools in Hartford and other cities to counter the effects of poverty.
In addition, the government increased the intake to medical schools.
By the end of this legislative session, we will have increased state aid to schools by over 50 percent during my years as Governor.
Both argue for a variety of school safety measures, and both say they would increase state aid to schools.
It would increase aid to secondary schools, thereby holding down local property tax increases, and expand college tuition-assistance programs.