Heterosis is used to increase yields, uniformity, and vigor.
Yisrael Beytenu, since its inception, has called for the separation of the legislative and executive branches to increase accountability and uniformity within government.
Mr. Meese said his new Asylum Policy and Review Unit, a part of the Office of Legal Policy, was designed "to increase uniformity and efficiency" in determining whether to grant asylum.
Certainly the intention of the Education Reform Act is to increase uniformity, particularly in secondary schools, by reducing the scope that teachers have to decide what they shall teach.
Moreover, as model laws may be enacted with variations in the various jurisdictions, it was felt that establishing a core of common provisions would increase uniformity and therefore predictability in international trade law.
Right-wing authoritarians want society and social interactions structured in ways that increase uniformity and minimize diversity.
Though the advent of printing greatly reduced the potential of human error and increased the consistency and uniformity of the text, the earliest editions of the Vulgate merely reproduced the manuscripts that were readily available to the publishers.
On the sentencing commission, Breyer played a key role in reforming federal criminal sentencing procedures, producing the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which were formulated to increase uniformity in sentencing.
Increase the transparency, accountability, and uniformity of NIH peer review.
These bars increase the drying rate and uniformity of the cross-machine moisture profile of the paper.