In each stewpot, his blue fire worked some effect on 4 the food, enhanced it, increased its health and vitality.
A wide variety of weapons can be picked up, and not only do these allow the player to use the weapons for a limited amount of time, but they also increase vitality.
To achieve triple bottom line sustainability, economic strategies need to increase the value and vitality of human and natural systems, and conserve and renew human, financial and natural resources.
Fry do not need "baby" food such as brine shrimp nauplia, though as in adults, plant food will increase growth and vitality.
Moreover, many Chinese believe that eating tiger bones will increase the body's strength and vitality.
In recent years in the United States, some doctors have started to prescribe growth hormone in GH-deficient older patients (but not on healthy people) to increase vitality.
Ginseng has been used to improve the body's resistance to stress and to increase vitality.
Faced with possible government expropriation, the company appointed Willem Kieft as director of New Netherland with a mandate to increase the territory's population and vitality.
The Stockholm programme adopted by the Council on 10 and 11 December 2009 acknowledged that the migration of labour can increase competitiveness and economic vitality.
The Stockholm Programme adopted by the European Council on 10 and 11 December 2009 expressed the view that labour immigration may increase competitiveness and economic vitality.