It is most often performed on fats and oils to increase both the melting point and the shelf life without reducing the degree of unsaturation.
This corking is thought to increase bat speed without greatly reducing hitting power; however this idea was challenged as unlikely on the Discovery Channel series MythBusters.
Farm productivity rose so rapidly in the first few years of privatization that rural income could increase sharply without reducing the surpluses creamed off for the cities.
The memo's theme was one of Holbrooke's obsessions: how to increase American involvement without reducing Afghan capacity.
They increase revenues without reducing the volume of the takeout or catering business.
This increases the base fabric's abrasion resistance by a factor of 5-10 times without reducing its flame retardance.
This workshop will give delegates the skills to increase their reading speed without reducing comprehension or retention.
This means that the vapor can be condensed to a liquid or to a solid by increasing its pressure without reducing the temperature.
This occurs when it is impossible to increase the production of any good without reducing the production of other goods.
Toner also can increase the range of visible shades visible in a print without reducing the contrast.