In the same time, industry capital, the best indicator of health, has increased sixfold, to $30 billion.
In fact, the number of Internet subscribers has increased sixfold.
In the chart above it increases more than sixfold over the same period.
They increased sixfold from $3.068 billion in 1988 to $19.469 billion last year.
As a result, the population of the town increased more than sixfold from 3,150 in 1990 to 20,262 in 2000.
The number of visitors to the temples increased sixfold in six years, to some 600,000, more than half foreigners.
From 1972 to 1982, port traffic increased sixfold, largely because of the foreign trade boom.
During the war, union membership increased sixfold to 30,000.
From 2002 to 2006, Broadway's lending in construction and development loans increased sixfold, to $356 million.
During its six years of growth in the new century, its balance sheet increased sixfold.