Whitman's ploy is not an impractical solution to an increasingly annoying problem.
For months, lawyers at the Justice Department had found his presence in Washington increasingly annoying.
Not a serious one, but increasingly annoying to me.
Here, Mr. Engel chose that increasingly annoying cliche, to update the action to the fin-de-siecle, when both the play and the opera were created.
But its persistence made it increasingly annoying until each drop seemed to fall with nerve- jangling force.
Instead one is simply presented with the increasingly annoying harangues of a man named Esher.
But you can probably guess who, or what, hogs a large chunk of the screen time: those increasingly annoying penguins.
Or have they become one more American problem, a blister that gets increasingly annoying?
Each time Gabrielle visited the gestures would become more and more bizarre, as the prisoners became increasingly annoying to Gabrielle.
Second sittings at restaurants are increasingly common, and are increasingly annoying customers who want to to enjoy a relaxed meal.