Originally developed for the manufacturing sector, is now increasingly applied also to the service economy.
The largest gain ($154 billion) comes from an improvement in information technology infrastructure which is increasingly applied all across the trade value and logistics chain.
Appropriate technology also was increasingly applied in developed countries.
The term has been increasingly applied to popular media personalities.
After independence, the term began to be applied increasingly to those Rhodesians who were nostalgic for the past.
The term stress, having emerged out of endocrinology work in the 1930s, was increasingly applied to mental disorders.
The data that result are increasingly applied to the evaluation of environmental and epidemiological problems concerned with human and animal health.
As time went on, academic standards were developed generally, and were increasingly applied to studies of Islam.
In recent years, versioning strategies have been increasingly applied particularly to the recording industry.
It is increasingly applied to dry foods, beyond its already classical pharmaceutical or medical applications.