The structure of the scientific field is such that it becomes increasingly autonomous and its "entrance fee" becomes increasingly strict.
His personal position almost certainly mirrors that of numerous others who gravitated from James to Paul, from a form of Judaism to the increasingly autonomous new religion subsequently called Christianity.
Regional military governors, known as Jiedushi, gained increasingly autonomous status while formerly submissive states raided the empire.
The Green Party has had an amicable split from Scottish counterpart, and the Wales Green Party section is becoming increasingly autonomous.
The estates planned to build up an increasingly autonomous Finnish state, led by the elite and intelligentsia.
It is this increasingly autonomous nature of population change that prompts us to tackle this subject first in our review of the broad geographical patterns underlying the changes affecting individual places.
Following these events, the increasingly autonomous governments of the Azores, between 1981 and 1983, built several airports to provide expanded service to the remaining islands.
During the Abbasids, the caliphate began to disintegrate, and the delta came under the control of the increasingly autonomous province centered at Mansura.
His advice to Russia's Tsar Alexander I was of utmost importance for the establishment of the Grand Duchy of Finland prepared to become increasingly autonomous.
Modernist art was thus an autonomous social 'institution', the preserve of an increasingly autonomous intellectual class.