And, if current trends persist, those workers will be increasingly confined to low-income jobs.
In the past two days, journalists have been increasingly confined to their hotels, and information is assembled from telephone interviews.
However, the language has lasted, while keeping a low profile and increasingly confined to the Pyrenees, up to modern days.
Palestinians are increasingly confined to dirt tracks beside these roads.
He said that the two elephants had to be kept apart and they were increasingly confined to avoid fighting.
However most of these accomplishments are increasingly confined to the past.
Africa's population of wild animals has steadily declined in recent decades, and those that remain are increasingly confined to preserves.
Genie was increasingly confined to the second bedroom, while the rest of the family slept in the living room.
Local inhabitants were increasingly confined to the area of Zichyújfalu.
Concert tickets become ever more forbiddingly expensive; music education is increasingly confined to the private schools; the audience grows less diverse.