From the 18th century onwards commentators attempted several identifications of Caphtor which increasingly disregarded the traditional identification as an Egyptian coastal locality in the vicinity of Pelusium.
Enter Susan Sontag, who almost single-handedly imbued the sober, increasingly disregarded disciplines of close reading and intense brooding with a very contemporary glamour.
In a letter to Mr. Clinton, Mr. Dunham made clear that as European companies increasingly disregard American sanctions against Iran, they are getting more than just a leg up.
Because of his popularity with the Croatian authorities as well as his German constituents, Altgayer increasingly disregarded VoMi's instructions, especially when he believed that Reich demands conflicted with the best interests of his Volksdeutsche.
While 90 percent of Ireland's 3.5 million people are Catholics, and most of them churchgoers, it is an axiom of contemporary Irish life that people are increasingly disregarding church positions they find repressive.
If senators continue to overlook ethical violations, they should not then profess to be shocked that judges and justices are increasingly disregarding those ethical obligations.
The Duke governed Artois on behalf of his wife, but the royal government increasingly disregarded local officials and even began making its own appointments.
"The P.L.O. strategy in general is losing ground," said Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian economist who argues that Palestinians are increasingly disregarding the P.L.O. and choosing to act independently.
Jaws and Star Wars are regarded as marking the beginning of the new U.S. film industry business model dominated by "high-concept" pictures-with premises that can be easily described and marketed-as well as the beginning of the end of the New Hollywood period, which saw auteur films increasingly disregarded in favor of profitable big-budget pictures.