From then on, Anstead clutched at nothing, his efforts becoming increasingly feeble.
In the seventh game, Lendl made a series of errors against his increasingly feeble opponent.
"As he became increasingly feeble, it was found that the high dimensions of the Rolls facilitated his movement in and out of the car."
Today would see the Cultists utterly destroyed, and with them the increasingly feeble Jasaray.
The wolf was just beyond the circle of destruction and continued to tear at the remaining walrus-man, whose struggles were becoming increasingly feeble.
Many, like the woman who would cut up his food and help him eat, took particular care of him as he became increasingly feeble.
Houphouët-Boigny became increasingly feeble and died in 1993.
As summer turned to fall, Ms. Olivere, who was then 28, felt increasingly feeble and exhausted.
He grew increasingly feeble and despondent, taking on the appearance and behavior of a much older man.
His increasingly feeble health meant that his inner circle effectively ruled the country, and greatly enriched themselves, in his name.