It looks to me like the English law, English injunctions, look increasingly impractical in the modern world.
This made any national protection from nuclear missiles increasingly impractical.
As the number of television channels on these cable networks grew, the filter-based approach became increasingly impractical.
Globalization made it increasingly impractical to enforce design nationality rules, and starting in 1984, the Royal Perth Yacht Club began relaxing this requirement.
The limited range and modest strength of sound compared with the clarinet made the chalumeau increasingly impractical.
The use of Swiss air space for combat training became increasingly impractical as the performance of supersonic jets increased and created environmental restrictions.
But it grew increasingly impractical to cling to home, and with a phalanx of security agents protecting the roast chicken, the evenings lost some of their rambunctious intimacy anyway.
Flight interruption manifests are perceived by both flying passengers and airlines as becoming increasingly impractical, especially with the widespread use of electronic ticketing, or e-Tickets.
At the higher speeds that motorcycles commonly attain, it becomes increasingly impractical to steer by taking advantage of the minute and random corrections needed to maintain balance.
As such it will become increasingly impractical to keep online learning out of universities, says Professor Dutton.