The series returned for three more consecutive airings, all of which saw increasingly lower ratings.
We're prosecuting kids as adults at increasingly lower ages and arguing for their rights, so why not consent while you're at it?
Rectification: the distillate, or "tops", is retained and exhibits an increasingly lower boiling point.
The film's robust themes and fairly complex plot stand out against a time when the Godzilla franchise was being fueled by increasingly lower production values.
For instance, Internet and telephone minutes can be provided by a variety of competitors at increasingly lower prices.
After that, he toiled for more years in small parts in increasingly lower grade movies.
During the decade, increasingly lower vehicle heights were in vogue.
That increasing volume of air is at an increasingly lower speed relative to the vehicle.
Toward the end of the treatment, increasingly lower doses are used so that the body can recover its own ability to produce natural corticosteroid hormones.
In the past few years, successive studies have shown an effect at increasingly lower levels.