But globalization is also the reason that the scandal's premise--the illegality of contributions from "foreign" interests--is increasingly meaningless.
Ironically by this time the land battle through Northern Europe was making the Bomber Offensive increasingly meaningless.
Conservation of semi-natural vegetation communities, and the plants and animals they support, becomes increasingly meaningless as the amount of agricultural intensification increases.
It would also validate the warnings of infectious disease experts who have long maintained that geographical boundaries are increasingly meaningless to the spread of disease.
Somewhere above the clouds, she thought wistfully, was the Sun, still winding through its increasingly meaningless spiral between the worlds.
Such terminology is however becoming increasingly meaningless, so use sparingly and with explanation.
Dubro had even gone so far as to share the cost of posting the child to citizenship in the increasingly meaningless Rankan Empire.
I have come to the opinion that agendas for the Friday sessions have been engineered to fill up the session and are becoming increasingly meaningless.
A situation has arisen in which the work carried out by Members from small or new Member States is increasingly meaningless.
A life-or-death conflict for the Bosnian Serbs has become a dreary, somewhat distant and increasingly meaningless war for many of the people in Serbia.