At the same time, Holocaust denial and Holocaust minimization efforts have found increasingly overt acceptance as sanctioned historical discourse in a number of Middle Eastern countries.
Gardner's increasingly overt attempts at garnering media attention was one of the major reasons for rifts in his coven (and others).
The earlier signs--mood shifts, deflections of his attention, outfight seizure of his sensorium:had been increasingly overt.
The stakes in this increasingly overt struggle are huge.
The effect evokes the whole German Romantic musical tradition and suits the play's increasingly overt treatment of the Faust theme.
Iranian assistance to radicals in the Sudan and Jordan is becoming increasingly overt, the Israelis say.
While the civilian government has made some paramilitary arrests and sacked several army officers with strong ties, it is simply too weak to resist the increasingly overt collaboration.
There were more walls, equally disturbing, and as the party moved deeper into Level Three, the mix of living tissue and alien technology became increasingly overt and bizarre.
In the case of the PIRA, its political wing, Sinn Féin, became increasingly overt, and then a full participant in politics.
In the 1980's, Mr. Mamdani argues, the American use of proxy forces became increasingly overt.