In the 17th and 18th centuries, Kerry became increasingly populated by poor tenant farmers, who came to rely on the potato as their main food source.
With each passing week, the once-mighty franchise slips further in a league increasingly populated by European and Asian talent.
By the end of the 19th century, the town had been increasingly populated by Georgians and Russians who came to work there.
During the later 19th century, Tunis became increasingly populated by Europeans, particularly the French, and immigration dramatically increased the size of the city.
Mr. Usry, a black reformer in a city increasingly populated by minority groups, had promised to sweep clean the government, which whites had dominated.
What's more, the workplace is increasingly populated by single parents - almost one of every five employed parents is single, the study indicated.
In a country increasingly populated by grimy, characterless cities, Shanghai is also far and away China's most attractive city, particularly after nightfall.
These are sensitive subjects in the current climate where social networks are increasingly populated by young people, but not exclusively.
But as the sport has boomed in popularity and become a multibillion-dollar business, pit road is increasingly populated with serious athletes.