They thus increasingly promoted this alternative means of easing the financial burden of appliance ownership.
Offering variety and sophistication, downtown Denver increasingly promotes itself as a stimulating antidote to the suburbs.
During his reign Henry, like his grandfather, increasingly promoted "new men", minor nobles without independent wealth and lands, to positions of authority in England.
Zhuanghe is also increasingly promoting its furniture manufacturing industry.
Partners are increasingly promoting merchant based reward programs which leverage a bank's data and provide discounts to customers at the same time.
The effort comes as developing countries increasingly promote the idea of developing and commercializing their traditional medicines and local arts.
Since technological advances continue to develop at an unprecedented rate, educators are increasingly promoting the learning of visual literacies as indispensable to life in the information age.
Stress, weight loss, and smoking cessation Insurance companies are increasingly promoting healthy living.
Works published by travelers, learned people, artists and geographers increasingly promoted Mallorca as a preferred destination.
We must also put in place an effective reaction capability and increasingly promote effective cooperation between the investigating authorities and the intelligence community.