The only trick they seem to have mastered is how to grow increasingly resistant to drugs.
Consequences, the society warned, could be dire, from an increase in infectious diseases to germs that are increasingly resistant to antibiotics.
Bacteria that cause ear infections in children are becoming increasingly resistant to penicillin, new studies have found.
The cloud-water, which once seemed to transmit psychic impressions, now acted as an increasingly resistant barrier.
The skill becomes increasingly resistant to stress influences and can be continued despite outside interference.
However, new strains of the bacterium have developed which are increasingly resistant to the antibiotics most commonly used to treat it.
Peptostreptococci grow slowly which makes them increasingly resistant to antimicrobrials.
None came near the Yugoslav horror yet, but they seemed increasingly resistant to reason or moderation.
The drug, which is expected to be available late this year, could help doctors cope with bacteria that are becoming increasingly resistant to older antibiotics.
AS some bacteria become increasingly resistant to antibiotics, doctors must combine more and stronger forms of the germ-killers to find an effective drug.