The financial crisis has caused banks and building societies to offer increasingly restrictive mortgages, despite falling interest rates.
Over the past few decades, legislation had become increasingly restrictive for firearm owners and from 1995 until 2012, all firearms were required to be registered.
Australian shooters regard their sport as under permanent threat from increasingly restrictive legislation.
Many immigrants to South Africa continue to live in poor conditions, and the immigration policy has become increasingly restrictive since 1994.
Some lawyers complain that many of the board's decisions are subjective and increasingly restrictive.
Overall, throughout its history, the copyright legislation in Korea has been growing increasingly restrictive.
By the late 1850's, however, increasingly restrictive legislation on the activities of blacks in the state, combined with a national financial panic, undermined Day's business.
Over the next decade, the state legislature passed increasingly restrictive laws to control African Americans.
Increasingly restrictive trade regulations have hindered our expansion into foreign markets.
Immigration laws in this country are becoming increasingly restrictive, due to pressure from the right wing parties.