Increasingly savvy, wives are more willing to challenge their husbands over sophisticated issues like family trusts and corporate perks.
Consumers are increasingly savvy and they can tell when someone is advertising a product or a lifestyle that he does not actually believe in.
Protests, injunctions and lawsuits are piling up as Indian groups grow increasingly savvy in their cooperation with environmentalists.
The question is whether American consumers, who have become increasingly savvy about taste and texture of the different species of wild salmon, will respond.
And increasingly savvy judges are now parsing claims about BitTorrent with a scholar's eye to see if these defendants really should be linked.
Bombarded with conflicting images, the average viewer is increasingly savvy and cynical about the publicity machine itself.
At the same time, the editing encouraged the increasingly savvy audience to be suspicious.
In the last few years, state universities and less selective private colleges have grown increasingly savvy about sweetening aid packages.
Participants noted that online users, especially youth, are increasingly savvy when it comes to using alternative technologies to circumvent official censorship of the web.
As the new model year begins, auto makers are touting their engines as never before to consumers, who are increasingly savvy about power plants.