In an increasingly technological world, people yearn for this connection because they feel they are losing the cultural, spiritual and human element of their lives.
Few have any of the basic skills demanded by an increasingly technological labor market.
Students are provided technical and trade competencies, as well as preparation for life in this increasingly technological age.
Ironically, an increasingly technological society is turning its back on a high-technology pastime.
- The raw, transformative power of live theatre is vital in our increasingly technological age.
He argued then, as now, that students have to master higher-order basic skills to function in an increasingly technological society.
Mr. Gates said he thought that government had not provided minorities with the boost they needed to succeed in an increasingly technological world.
I recognize an increasingly technological society and I choose to work with it - not against it.
Living in an increasingly technological society, background scientific knowledge can help to negotiate it.
A. We're living in a society that is increasingly technological.