But homes are already becoming increasingly unaffordable, and refinancings are slowing down.
They could be forced to leave not only their apartments but also Manhattan, an isle of increasingly unaffordable housing.
In a Pentagon review of January 2011, service contractors were found to be "increasingly unaffordable."
The pre-1980s system of grants etc become increasingly unaffordable as the percentage of young people going to university increases.
With more people out of work and private health insurance increasingly unaffordable, there is a new wave of struggling Americans looking to the government for help.
At the same time, for most American families, college is becoming increasingly unaffordable.
Increasingly unaffordable rail fares make a mockery of the whole discussion.
Community gardens may help alleviate one effect of climate change, which is expected to cause a global decline in agricultural output, making fresh produce increasingly unaffordable.
The weather is turning cold, and home heating fuel is increasingly unaffordable.
If industry is slowing down, then taxation is dropping, and care for the elderly will become increasingly unaffordable.