Preserving and renovating has become increasingly viable and profitable.
As the technology becomes an increasingly viable option over the next ten to 15 years, opportunities in the sector will increase.
The idea was to let them know what their obligations were and keep reminding them of an increasingly viable alternative.
We're not in the 1990's any more - increasingly viable technologies are emerging to store electricity.
Q. Aside from the generation of power from water, you think that wind power is increasingly viable.
As psychiatric medication and community care became an increasingly viable alternative to institutionalization, large mental institutions began to decline.
It became increasingly viable in Europe after the Second World War due to the scarcity of cement.
Global communication and cooperation was made increasingly viable as the availability of fax communication brought all unions into radically closer contact.
Many of the migrants here described changes in their homeland that have made escape an increasingly viable option.
It's that there are increasingly viable, more finely targeted and cost-effective ways to advertise.