The results are unlikely to be legally binding, but they will guide the combatants' next moves in this increasingly vituperative and bruising power struggle.
In an increasingly vituperative political campaign, Mr. Cheney this week again questioned the credentials of Senator John Kerry and his ability to be commander in chief.
There followed close to a dozen increasingly vituperative and vulgar threats.
Moreover, the striking contrasts between Mr. Santorum and the 68-year-old Mr. Wofford, ideological and otherwise, infuse every aspect of this increasingly vituperative race.
By then, Mr. Gabler observes, Winchell's columns and broadcasts had grown increasingly vituperative and vindictive.
The hit on Sundstrom represented the latest bitter note in an increasingly vituperative series between two clubs that, at least when they are off the ice, claim to have the utmost respect for each other.
It is an increasingly vituperative race.
Three days of what has become an increasingly vituperative debate are to conclude on Wednesday with a vote on a motion of no confidence in Mr. Rao's administration.
It was not clear whether or by how much either side was willing to budge after a weekend of digging in their heels in the increasingly vituperative spending standoff.
In addition to battles among Democrats in the southern part of the county, there is an increasingly vituperative one in the north.