Olajuwon had an incredible series, averaging 35.3 points and 12.5 rebounds while shooting 56 percent from the field.
Beyond that level was an incredible series of developments incomprehensible to most of the Earthmen.
It goes through an incredible series of at least three crystalline-liquid phase changes with an increase in pressure alone.
Lays the foundation for this incredible series.
They walked for some time through an incredible series of natural caverns and tunnels formed from the featureless gray bedrock.
"It was an unbelievable series; it was an incredible series," he said.
One which had been stolen and now, by an incredible series of events, could be regained.
What was the cause of this incredible series of events?
An incredible series of blunders, and what was to be done about them now?
The gaunt, white-bearded face underwent a truly incredible series of contortions.