Maybe the high point of my life ... an incredible vista.
Among the wonderful, incredible vistas of beautiful flowers and greenery stand several beings dressed in white.
There was the black, incredible vista of space -but no answers offered there.
We want that emotional feeling you get looking over an incredible vista or looking closely at a leaf.
There was also the promise of a spectacular skyline, incredible vistas, rarely seen aeries in a famous building.
Opening out at the end of a street is a wide grassy area where the provides an incredible vista over the estuary and across to Salé.
"When the doors open, you'll see a blinding light and an incredible vista," Mr. Guerin said.
Thus, when their minds were opened to the incredible vistas of psionics, they wanted to be driven hard and they drove themselves hard.
"A lot of people came here because of these incredible vistas," said Doris C. Brown, whose family has lived in the Heights for three generations.
The camp encompasses rugged, mountainous terrain, and a large lake, allowing it to boast incredible vistas, and mild mountain weather.